There is a service to suit every youth and young adult, from attendance at programmes and workshops, to getting support in the school, community or online.

Connection and Wellbeing Support

We support youth and young adults to build their connection with extended family and their cultural identity. There are programmes to support youth and young adults to embrace their journey, discovery and growth through their connection.

Two community-based services are available to support Māori and Pacific young people (aged 12 to 24 years) to build their connection with extended whānau and their cultural identity.


MYSTORY is a programme through a Pacific lens that involves personal narrative as a platform for young people to come together to share their journey including both their successes and challenges. This is done through a 1-day workshop on mental health and addiction.

Criteria to access service: Any group (school group, staff group, family/whānau group) of up to 10 people.

For introductions contact Ana Kivalu, Phone 021 100 8428

Awhi Rito

Awhi Rito can be likened to the child who is protected by their whānau. Hence, the Mahitahi Awhi Rito programme provides Rangitahi Māori with the unique opportunity to engage, connect and uplift their sense of self by embracing their Māori identity. The programme aims to immerse Rangitahi Māori within the values of Te Ao Māori by connecting through whakapapa their links to whānau, hapū and Iwi. Rangitahi Māori through their journey of discovery and growth will be embraced through the cultural values and ways of Tikanga Māori, as a recognised pathway to recovery. Awhi Rito provides an eight-week "Reconnection" initiative that is available for Rangitahi and their whānau as well as offering other critical supports.

Criteria to access service: Open for Rangitahi who are aged between 12-24 years old and identify as Māori.

For introductions contact Mita Tupaea, Phone 027 255 0153

Growing Resilience Skills

We support youth and young adults on their personal development, self-esteem and self-determination within and outside schools. There may be additional community support offered for youth and young adults not engaged in school, education or training facilities.

Five services will focus on supporting personal development, self-esteem and self-determination skills within and outside schools.

Te Awa Ora

Te Awa Ora is a Kaupapa Māori AoD program that will focus on groups aged 12 – 24. This programme aims to equip every young person with the insight, self-determination and hope necessary to identify people, skills, strategies and resources that will support better choices and decision-making. It will enable young people to access culturally specific support through any door, early on, to minimise the harm of/ or achieve total abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. The service is outreach and community-focused and will be delivered via a 10-week programme to groups of approximately 10 young people per group, and individualised counselling will also be available.

Criteria to access service: Open for Rangitahi who are aged between 12-24 years old and identify as Māori, who are experiencing challeges with alcohol or other drugs.

For introductions contact Mita Tupaea, Phone 027 255 0153

Stand Up!

Stand Up! is a youth development programme in schools for youth and young adults whose lives are influenced by alcohol and other drugs. We support them to determine how involved they want to be in our programme and what they want to get out of it in regards to having positive wellbeing. The Stand Up! programme provides youth and young adults with opportunities to explore and discuss a range of topics beyond alcohol and other drugs, such as their academic performance, future aspirations, or whānau relationships. They also get opportunities to develop other life or social skills. Students have an option to be seen individually or in group sessions.

Criteria to access service: Attending an East or South Auckland high school, alternative education or private training establishments (PTE).

For introductions contact your school pastoral care team or lead tutor to see if Stand Up! is available in your school or PTE.

Stand Up Community

This service supports young people who are using alcohol and other drugs (AOD) to make positive choices around their wellbeing. Practitioners can support young people to develop the skills needed to make these changes. Practitioners can see young people who are either ready to make a change or are unaware of how their alcohol and other drug use may be impacting areas of their life. Practitioners will work together with the young person to discover their goals and aspirations and support them to lead their best lives. Practitioners can meet young people in a space that is appropriate and local to them such as their school or community space. Young people can be seen up to once a week, in individual sessions, or there is the option of group-based counselling support if it is appropriate.

Criteria of service access: Aged 12-24 years, are using alcohol and other drugs and are open to having a conversation about their options.

For introductions phone 09 638 4957 Ext 766

B.R.A.V.E Personal Development Programme

This is a personal development programme for high school students. The programme starts with a pilot in term two 2022. 

Criteria to access service: 12-24 years living in Counties Manukau area 

For introductions phone 0800 2YOUTH (0800 296 884) or free text (mentoring) to 234

Youth Community Living Support Service

This service will be provided by a Community Support Worker and Peer Support Worker. They will be mobile, community based and closely linked to community primary care services. They will Support Rangitahi to self-determine a future based on individualised and whānau-based plans that are holistic, culturally safe and meet their social and health needs. 

Criteria to access service: Any Rangitahi with mild to moderate mental health and addiction concerns. 

For introductions contact Myra Pihema, Phone 027 703 2610, myra.pihema@emergeaotearoa.org.nz 

Intense Support

We support youth and young adults to have more in-depth therapy sessions through counselling and attendance at programmes to learn more about managing emotions, stresses, and coping strategies.

Three services/programmes will focus on more in-depth therapeutic support to further advance social skills, self-determination and management of mild to moderate distress. 

Counselling Service

Counselling services will be available for young people aged 12 to 24 years face to face, via video or by telephone. We can provide counselling for adolescents, adults, children, whānau and couples. 

Criteria for accessing service: CMDHB Counselling service is available until this service has been recruited. Young people aged 12-24yrs in Counties Manukau can be referred. 

For introductions contact supportcentre@youthline.co.nz, Phone 09 376 6645 

Real Talk

The Real Talk Group Programme runs over 10 weeks, offering early intervention for vulnerable Rangitahi struggling with symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is delivered with the intent of teaching Rito skills that will enable them to better manage intense emotions, social stressors and other things that get in the way of everyday life. The programme is designed to encourage Rangitahi to push past their fears and inhibitions and realise their unique potential. To start with this group will be run out of Harakeke House which is 15 Ronwood Ave, Manukau. 

Criteria for access to this service: Mild to moderate mental health presentations and a commitment to a 10-week programme. 12-15-year-olds: Mondays, 4 – 6 pm. 16- 18-year-olds: Wednesdays, 4 – 6 pm. In line with the school, term start and finish dates. 

For introductions phone: 027 900 4038 or 027 326 9019, Email: realtalk@real.org.nz 

Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Training Programme

15 group sessions, youth and young adults aged 12-24 years can learn practical strategies that are divided into 4 skills groups: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness (Relationship) Skills. They walk side-by-side with their peers on their learning journey. These groups will be run in a range of locations including schools, community spaces and online. The group also includes 3 whānau sessions where appropriate. 

Criteria for access to this service: Any youth or young adult who would benefit from learning to manage emotions and can make a commitment to a 15-week programme. 

For introductions contact The Psychology Group via their website (www.tpgroup.co.nz) or Email dbt@tpgroup.co.nz